Cooperation between 10 cooperatives from four municipalities

Cooperation between 10 cooperatives from four municipalities

21 February 2023
Ten cooperatives from four municipalities signed a letter of intent on 21 February 2023 to investigate cooperation on large-scale energy generation and storage. The cooperation initiative wants to keep the control for large-scale energy generation in their own hands and aims for 100% local ownership, so that all the benefits flow back to the environment. Local generation, local consumption and local benefit are among its ambitions. Working Together Now gives substance to a general exploration of key principles and development of a plan of action to achieve sustainable generation.

Cooperative Westerveld, energy cooperative Duurzaam Nijeveen, cooperative Heel de Wolden Groen, energy cooperative Duurzaam Ruinen, cooperative A32 energie, cooperative Verduursaam Echt Meppel, energy cooperative Reestdal Energie, Wapserveen Vol Energie i.o. and cooperative Steenergie want to join forces under the leadership of the area cooperative Zuidwest Drenthe. Jan van Goor, coordinator of the area cooperative says: 'By joining forces, long-term projects can be tackled effectively. The initiative works for and by the area. In short: Strive to generate sustainable energy locally together and explore it locally. This way, we will look at subregional and borderless cooperation, helping municipalities to work together towards a sustainable future, carried and implemented from residents and users.

'Energy is a very topical and urgent issue. Saving it, of course, but we also face big challenges in local energy generation. The Gebiedscoöperatie Zuidwest Drenthe believes in regional cooperation for local solutions, which means local energy generation with local ownership. To give that an establishment, we need each other. And as far as we are concerned, that 'each other' stands for all interest groups. Residents, landowners, energy cooperatives, local entrepreneurs, municipalities (councillors and administrators), energy network organisations and provinces.'

The Gebiedscoöperatie Zuidwest Drenthe is active as a connector in projects of entrepreneurs, government, education and local residents. In recent years, various projects have been set up to strengthen the regional economy and sustainable quality of life in the region. The area cooperative works from the themes 'agro & food' and 'energy'.